Senin, 26 Mei 2014

Slendertone Face (A Face Lift From The Inside Out!) - 12 Week Trial!

Prevention is always better than cure in my opinion & to be honest I really never want to go down that ant-ageing road of 'botox' & 'fillers' or worse still the full on 'facelift!! I've seen far too many attractive women become 'plastic dolls' at the hands of these so called wonder injections & treatments... Which is why I'm so excited about trialing 'Slendertone Face', it's a known fact that the sagging of muscles in the face are what really starts to age us & unfortunately these muscles are generally under used. The muscles in the face are also unique in the way that they are connected to the skin & when these muscles start to waste they can no longer support the skin in the way they used to, so the face will 'sag' & wrinkles are more likely to appear. So by toning the muscles & keeping out faces in 'shape' like we do with our bodies at the gym, we can keep the face structure firm & plump with out the aid of any unnatural enhancers!!!
Slendertone retrains the facial muscles by using electronic stimulation which will mean the muscles are excerised hundreds of times in just one session. The device is basically a Head Set that will sit around the back of the head & placed at the either side of the face with pads in contact with the skin (gel pads are used to protect the skin), you can then choose on the Unit the duration of the treatment you would like to go for as well as the intensity, there are 3 programmes, 1 - Lift To firm & lift the face, 2 - Radiance To increase blood flow to the facial area giving you a healthy glow (great for night out!!) & finally 3 - Massage To sooth & relax.
It is advised that used over a 12 week period for 20 Minutes a day 5 days a week, a significant difference can be seen in the over all muscle tone in the face, restoring the youthful shape to your face.
So I have charged my unit & I'm ready to go, I'll be reporting back over the next 12 weeks on how I get on & if indeed it is preventative cure to the old face lift & botox, which I'm very hopeful it is!!!

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