A cornucopia of industrially produced pieces of elaborate jewelleries and ornamented accessories barraged the global market, synonymous with “BLING” or BLING-BLING”,these items saturated the already filled merchandize of fake bags, gaudy accessories,designers clothing line knock offs and brand copycats.Its flashy appeal lured the working class, the middle class and the nouveau riche stereotypes.Though lacks in luxe sophistication, celebrities adorned their body with these items,only then it found social values and acceptance.
A thin line is drawn between objet d’art made by true artists and mere craftsmen, or from pseudo-art pieces to a highly crafted hand made jewelleries, thus, what is Haute Couture to fashion is Haute Joaillerie to jewellery.
Gerry Sunga is a cut above the rest, a jewellers jeweller,widening the gap between a mere goldsmith from an artist whose reputation resonates sheer artistry and love to profession.
Armed with impressive credentials and graduated Fine Arts from a prestigious university, Gerry Sunga’s upbringing from the privileged did not make him an accomplished artist overnight… but his total dedication and hardwork.
Learning nuances from his experiences, travel, emotional quotients and inspirations add the needed angst to every piece of metal’s transformation to art.
His insatiable taste and cravings for high quality and timeless pieces drove him to explore Rennaisance influence in Florence,the bold and elaborate 17th century Baroque architecture,the Gothic style during medieval Europe which are found in their fortifications and churches,the Louis XV french pompadourian excessive and volumetric jewelleries,the Tang Dynasty flourishing arts…thanks to the Silk Route and the burgeoning trade from Asia and the Europe making China the centerpoint in arts and literature.
Gerry Sunga conceptualized every design he made and involved in editing prototypes and actual productions.Meticulous to details, morphed pieces to have characters of its own.This exquisite necklace made in white gold filigrees was done in intricate hand made patterns.Brilliants and diamants encompassed the pink sapphires.The harmony of blended gems that hang in precise technique, made this commissioned art piece massage every women’s vanity and dream.
Exploring diversity, Gerry Sunga infused complex and natural materials, sometimes restorative junks mixed with mirrors,felts, and organic fibers of abaca transforming languid pieces to dazzling works of art.He also developed designs beyond aesthetics and collaborated with his team to do contemporary and commercially saleable items..intended for women with discerning taste.Behind every design ethos, is an artist sometimes compromising to showcase products commercially liable yet with high quality.So he began series of new exciting items like ladies bags in limited editions of course!!…frames encrusted with semi precious stones and crystals, jewellery boxes and ornaments for brides.
Josie Natori’s support made her an iconic symbol in style,art, music and fashion. Merged fashion and jewellery added the luminosity, glamour and elegance to exhibitions and runways.
Favorite among Fashion Designers, Sunga’s excellent personal approach and warm relation with his clients made him busy all year round of fashion shows,gallery exhibitions, made to order and exclusive one- of- its- kind pieces of jewelleries.
Unveiling instinctively elegant jewellery pieces in his collaboration with designers during fashion weeks don’t come in handy…expensive precious stone encrusted items are tightly watched and guarded, making both artists dance in a nerve wracking fandango.You can follow Gerry Sunga’s WORKS&BIOPHILE at http://gerrysunga.multiply.com or hit GERRY SUNGA @ FACEBOOK
Josie Natori’s PROFILE AND WORKS: http://www.natori.com/
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