Kamis, 13 Februari 2014

School again...

Hello Everybody!
I'm afraid that this post won't be very optimistic.
As you can see in the title, I have to go to school again on Monday.
I don't know what to think about it. No. Actually I know. It's horrible!
I hate that place so much.
I've never had such negative feeling to school like I do now.
Of course, studying is very boring, but I could handle it.
And I had nice friends in junior high school.
Here I feel terrible.
Nothing happens and I feel different from others. (because I love Japan or maybe that I am a game geek, dunno.)
These 2 weeks were amazing for me, although I didn't go anywhere.
Finally I had time for myself. From Monday it will end.
I'm thinking of strategy of surviving these months, before vacation.
And I have no idea.
I think that I will just go to that stupid buildings, sit there couting minutes and then go out, pissing off everything connected with school.

Awww I have so many exams... Thursday - geography, Friday - history...
I really don't feel like studying.
I have tangle in my head. And I wanna cry...

Ok, to change the subject.
Last weekend I had manga&anime festivity and it was pretty nice ^^
I won 3rd place in karaoke. yay!

Next festivities are in summer... So I have to wait... Argh.

Recently I'm watching Buzzer Beat.
Do you know it?
I love this drama!
Yamapi plays in it! And Keiko Kitagawa and Ito Hideaki.

Keiko Kitagawa is so cute! I want to look like her!
Buzzer Beat is of course a love story, + it's about basketball.
I recommend it to you! ^^

I add many videos on youtube.
Please, visit my channel sometimes. Add me to friends :)

Ok! I have to go now!
Bye bye ^^

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