Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Review On the ProX Brush

Let me be clear....I LOVE THIS BRUSH!!!!!!! Got it? Okay great, I'm glad! The first time I used this brush I couldn't stop touching my face. It was the most amazing feeling ever!!! Now this post is a little two in one deal. Because I am going to send out major love about this brush I also have to issue a warning. Even though we need to exfoliate and deep clean our skin every now and then it is damaging to do it too often. Also, pLeAsE be careful what you are scrubbing your face with (see info below). I have used this brush for a month now. For the first week once a day then only once a week for the rest of the time. I also started this month using my Glimpse gel cleanser WITHOUT scrubbing beads and I STILL felt smoother than SMOOTH!!!!! With that  said, let me introduce you to my friend Kim. I have known Kim for YEARS!!! We grew up together, went to school together and upon coming to Utah have had SUCH fun girl's nights out spent reminiscing and eating yummy food. In her own words, here's what she's been doing professionally =):
-I got my Associates in Science from UVSC
-Went to Dallas Roberts and did 1200 hours education and hands on training.
-Did extended education on Laser treatments through a laser facility and got certified in that. I hope to work in the medical side of Aesthetics in the future. 
-I am now a licensed Master Aesthetician. 
Now here is what Kim wants us to know about exfoliation:
 Don't get confused by this info...exfoliating is a good thing BUT just not overdone.
Anything that lives has to die and if we don't do anything about it, then it will just sit there making the skin look dull and lifeless. Not to mention acne sufferers, dead skin cells can clog pores and that could worsen acne! Exfoliating the skin by using "mechanical exfoliation" in excess can cause more harm than good. Studies show that scrubbing often, can irritate the skin causing inflammation. Inflammation can cause premature aging on the young skin, and accelerate the aging process even further for the mature skin. Now a days this would be something to avoid. Many of the exfoliating properties used in "scrubs" are harsh ingredients like crushed walnut shells, powdered sea shells, ground up plastic. In a research done by the American Association of Dermatology, when they examined a face that had been exfoliated three consecutive days. Microscopic view proved that the surface of the skin was scratched, irritated and inflamed.

Industry Tip: dry skin tends to flake and have a layer of embedded dead skin cells on the surface, "scrubbing" for this type of skin should be done once or twice weekly. Combination to Oily skin types should "scrub" only once weekly. Sensitive skin types should avoid all types of "mechanical exfoliation"

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