Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

Guest Post: Enlarged Pores by Elsa

You all voted on the sidebar and I was amAZED at how many of you suffer from enlarged pores! Well, let me introduce you to Elsa, a follower, that suffered from this problem. After she contacted me about the issue we decided an experiment was in order! She went off in search of a bargain solution in light of the information we learned on how to kick her large pores to the curb. Take it away Elsa =)...
The pictures from an annual Halloween party was the day I REALLY noticed my pores, I was in SHOCK!! Yuck! I’m only 28! I shouldn’t be having a pore problem! I had seen a few creep up here and there but I never knew it was that bad!

 I immediately emailed Jen to ask her how this problem could be fixed! I didn’t know you could get rid of enlarged pores, dumb right?? Luckily, she told me, it’s possible to get rid of them! So my mission started after Christmas- to get rid of those annoying holes on my skin.

So here are the products that I swear by, that have been giving me amazing results in such a short amount of time! A month, really!

1st The Olay Pro-X cleansing brush! Oh my goodness, this brush has been my bff the last month! I’m not usually a person that buys beauty supplies from drugstores, BUT this brush changed my life! It’s very similar to the spin brushes estheticians use when you get a facial. You know that amazing clean feel that can’t be beat? Well now you can get very similar results at home!! The next best part- is the price! It is only $29.99!! Not too bad when compared to its nearly identical twin from Clarisonic that is $200.00!! When I compared both brushes I really couldn’t tell a difference between the two, that’s how great this brush is!!

2nd I absolutely love love love exposed skincare! It is the best I have ever tried at clearing acne and keeping it away! I have used everything and I mean everything, pills, laser treatments, topical creams, tanning (ugh bad I know) just trying to clear up my skin and nothing worked. I swear nothing and I mean nothing works better -it’s truly a miracle line! Since using the Olay Pro-X cleansing brush twice a day once in the morning and once at night (for just one minute each time) the serums and acne lotions penetrate so much deeper into my skin now. My once enlarged pores are DISAPPEARING!! I have gotten so many compliments on my skin and even my mom noticed and said “your pores are shrinking!” I think in another month or two they will be completely invisible! That’s how great this brush and skin care line work together! I’m sold for life, so are my friends and family!
 Just a little FYI- make sure to moisturize after using the brush. This brush was designed to help get rid of fine lines and wrinkles; so it’s truly amazing at exfoliating. Your skin will need some moisture put back into it though!

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