Sabtu, 26 April 2014

Justin Bobby for Smooth Co.

Anyone who knows me knows I am a HUGE fan of The Hills. I've been watching the show since the begining of the Laguna days. So when I had the chance to meet Justin Bobby last week at a fashion event...I was beyond excited.

A new clothing line called Smooth Co. launched here in Vancouver and Justin Bobby from The Hills is the face of the brand. The event was held at high end retailer Holt Renfrew. Lots of fashion people from Vancouver were there but I wasn't interested in seeing any of them. I was interested in seeing JB!
When we walked into the party, I saw him right away. I was a little surprised because he kinda looked like a scrub. He wasn't dressed very well and he looked really tired. I didn't go upto him until towards the end of the night. I was talking to one of my friends and I was looking around and then all of sudden I see him and he looks right at me. He gives me a huge smile and next thing I know I walk over to him and we're talking away. He was SUPER nice...totally not what I expected. He said he thought Vancouver was a beautiful city. He seemed totally chill and easy going. So Justin Bobby did not disappoint. I'm glad I got to meet him. And I even got a few pics with him.

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